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Online Shop

  • Category: E-commerce
  • Project Repository: Click here
  • Node.js MongoDB JavaScript

A Full Online Shop Website

A Complete Online Shop combining front-end and back-end code, write with JavaScript, one of the world's most popular programming language, Node.js server environment and MongoDB Database. Also, applied MVC pattern, a methodology for successfully and efficiently relating the user interface to underlying data models splitting our code and keep the code organized to manage and make changes to either side without them interfering with each other.

  • Signup & Login for Users
  • Administrator Login
  • Authorization & Protected Navigation for Admin
  • Admin Pages for create, manage and update products & prices
  • Features to manage shopping cart and orders
  • Manage cart for authenticated and non authenticated user
  • CSRF Token for Protection
  • Proper Error Handling
  • Input Validation
  • Flashing errors into sessions
  • AJAX / FrontEnd JS Requests
  • Stripe Payment API Service